When you are aware of the energy centers (chakras) that exist within your body, you have a better sense of how and where you receive energy and what those centers look like. When interacting with others, we pick up on their energy fields. This is how we receive unspoken information about the other person. We must always trust what we feel in these moments because our intuition is always right. During these interactions, it is important not to absorb their energy and carry it with us, but this is what frequently happens. If you are sensitive to other people’s energy, you might often find yourself feeling the emotions of those around you. There are ways to put up energetic barriers so you don’t have to do this, and there are ways to strengthen your energy field so others cannot penetrate yours and take energy from you.

Balancing your chakras and extending your energy outward is the best way to strengthen and fortify your energy field. You can visualize your energy field strengthening and becoming stronger through meditation and intention alone. As you do this, visualize a strong white light energy shield forming around your body. Imagine it like a mirror. Intend for all energy that is not yours to bounce off your energy field rather than be absorbed by it. Become so impenetrable that nothing outside of yourself can enter your field or interfere with your own energy.

If you’re next to someone who is very invasive with your personal space, you can simply decline their invitations and excuse yourself from further interaction or conversation.
If you are not able to do that, you have a few options:

Place your hands together (palm to palm) and your feet together to close your energy circuit. You have now created an energy loop within yourself that cannot be tapped into from the other person. You can even hold your hands over your Sacral chakra (stomach) for extra protection.

Wear smoky quartz or place one in between you and the other person. This crystal is an incredible protector and will actually absorb other people’s psychic attacks and negative energy. I suggest keeping these crystals on hand when dealing with extra difficult people or in large crowded environments. They will need to be cleansed and cleared afterwards.

Do not look the other person in the eyes. Look between them at their Third Eye. The eyes are called “the window to the Soul” for a reason, and sometimes we don’t want to see into someone else’s window nor do we want them looking through ours.

After the interaction is over, there are a few immediate steps you can take to clear your energy field. I suggest doing this after leaving bars and other crowded places, or anytime you feel energetically “off” but don’t know why. It usually means you’ve picked up something energetically that need to be cleared.

Ground yourself by standing barefoot on Earth and letting the energies release through the bottoms of your feet. I always say “thank you” to Mother Earth for her help when doing this.

Stand in the sunshine to let the bright light burn away the energy you wish to release while powering you up again at the same time.

Take a hot bath or shower right away to wash the energies away and use the power of the water to refresh you and cleanse you both energetically as well as physically. Imagine all energies running down the drain and being removed from you.

Use the smoke of cedar, sage, or palo santo to clear
you by waving the smoke over your crown chakra while commanding the release of other people’s energies to leave your energy field.

Close your eyes and see the energies you’ve picked up from others within your energy field through your Third Eye. Visualize yourself pulling these energies out and sending them directly to God until there are no more energies in your field other than your own.
