Just as we possess far more than the five senses, we also have more than one body that we must take care of. We consist of a physical body, mental body, emotional body, and spiritual body. Imagine these as concentric bodies that overlap one another, yet they are interconnected on all levels. We have physical ways of processing our emotions and thoughts even though those are energetic. The bodies are not separate from one another and we must pay attention to all of them equally. When one is off balance, the others will reflect the imbalance. Once we understand how they are connected it becomes easy to see and feel the imbalance. Everything in life revolves around balance, and restoring this balance within ourselves is the key to optimal health and well being.

When I refer to the words my bodies* (plural) in the Healing Prayer Commands that follow, I am referring to more than just the physical body. It is the acknowledgement of all four bodies that are to be included in the healing. Most physical symptoms are the manifestation of emotional or mental imbalances. By aligning all four bodies, we restore harmony and wellbeing on all levels of our existence.


Our physical body is the one we pay attention to most often because it is the one we see each day. The other bodies are felt rather than seen, yet they play just important as a role. The physical body usually receives the majority of our attention (as well as attention from others), so this is why it tends to be the main focus while the others can sometimes be forgotten. It is the physical representation of our identity.

When we attach our identity to our physical body and forget about the others, it causes distress. Our identity is constantly changing as we evolve, and our physical body is a reflection of this evolution. Our bodies are not designed to stay the same, and yet many people resist the changes that happen through the process of aging. This process is not something to be dreaded once we realize it is a reflection of our evolution and progress throughout life. We must remember that the body is in a constant state of renewal rather than deterioration.

Our bodies are able to self regulate and regenerate on a consistent basis. We continually shed old cells and rebuild new ones. There is an intelligence inherently built into each one of us that comes from our divine Oneness with God and the Universe we live in. We are designed as a perfect blueprint through our DNA in the very image of God and we possess the knowledge of our ancestors coded into us from seven generations prior. We are a divine expression of life in our physical form. How our physical form reflects this divinity all comes down to our beliefs and how we treat our body.

The physical body is our most sacred temple. It is something that we must love and care for as we honor its intended function. The body is the home in which the Soul resides. When we view our body in this sacred way, we stop criticizing it and wishing for it to change. Each one of us chose our body for this particular lifetime on Earth. We need to love the body in its wholeness and in its entirety. Our physical body is highly complex and remarkable in its ability to sustain us with life. We should be in awe and wonder each day as we look into the mirror at our own reflections.

Learn to listen to your body and understand the ways in which it communicates with you. As you send love to your body and take care of it, you will see physical shifts in your appearance that reflect the level of care and attention you are providing. The more love and tenderness you provide to your body the better. You can only love others as much as you love yourself, so make it your top priority to treat your body as the sacred temple that it is.


Our mental body plays a key role in how we behave and interact with others. When we are mentally in balance, we are able to handle life in all of its complexities. We understand the difference between our responsibilities and the responsibilities of others. We can process information effectively and direct our thoughts, words and actions appropriately. It is well known that maintaining our mental health is extremely important not only for ourselves but for the rest of society.

When we are out of balance in our mental body, we feel overwhelmed and exhausted by even the smallest of offenses or responsibilities. There is no longer the capacity to handle stress because the mind is overtaxed and in need of rest. When rest is not given, a breakdown can occur. Most people are not providing themselves with enough time and space away from others to properly deal with the mental overload. The burden of carrying too much mental weight typically results in outbursts and strong over-reactions that are not rational or logical. It is simply a burst of energy that needs release. This is the main reason why arguments and mental breakdowns happen so frequently in our society. We live in a world in which most people are overburdened and given very little time for recovery.

Pay attention to your mental body and ask yourself how you are feeling in times of stress. If you feel overwhelmed, you most likely need a short break and some time to yourself. Proper sleep and even a nap can help to alleviate mental imbalances. Meditating and spending time in nature is another way to quickly recharge and restore balance again. When your mind is in balance, you will feel sharp and intelligent throughout your day. You will be able to solve problems quickly and easily without feeling pressured or overwhelmed by stress. You will make decisions confidently.

We hold a lot of power in our mind. This is why it’s so important to make sure our thoughts are empowering and uplifting. The mind is where we hold all of our conflicts, and it is also where we choose to let them go. We can convince ourselves something is true when it really isn’t through the power of our mind alone. Use this power for good rather than perpetuating suffering, blame, or discontentment. Do not let the mind limit you into becoming too strict or serious. Let your mind expand as you learn new ideas. Let go of the old programming and conditioning. Unlearn the things that are no longer serving you. Think of your mind as a muscle that continuously stretches as it learns new things. It likes to be sharpened and it likes to be stimulated. Let your mind lead you into new horizons as you dream new ideas into reality. Your imagination needs to be given just as much free reign as the logical and analytical side of your mind. Learn to balance your thoughts with your imagination to keep your mental body in balance. Be sure to give yourself breaks to eliminate holding onto too much mental weight. Let go of any fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, thoughts and limiting beliefs that hold you back from living life to your fullest potential.


Our emotional body is where we store and process our emotions. Think of emotions as watery in their nature and in their movement. Emotions flow through us, and we feel them as strong waves or currents. Water is free flowing and cannot stay in one place for long unless it remains stuck. Emotions are meant to flow through us and not get stuck. When we hold onto stuck emotions, we feel heavy, depressed and weighed down. Emotions are meant to be felt and moved through tears. It does more harm than good to hold ourselves back from crying when it comes to dealing with strong emotions. The act of crying helps us to process these emotions rather than suppressing them. When we suppress our emotions, it means we have not yet processed them. Then we become triggered quite easily by others and feel moody and irritated because we are holding onto these unprocessed emotions that feel trapped. In reality, all they want is to be moved and freed.

There are no good or bad emotions. All emotions are meant to serve us. Anger creates the perfect opportunity for action and change. Sadness shows us what is not serving our heart’s desires and what is actually hurting us. Never judge your emotions or think you are weak if you express them. Denying or suppressing your emotions actually hurts you and puts your emotional body out of balance. Numbing your emotions through substances is not healthy either.

Do not be afraid to truly feel the intensity of your emotions as they arise, knowing they are only temporary and will eventually pass. Rather than acting on your emotions, sit quietly and feel them. Love them. Process them alone so you do not project your pain onto others. Do not blame others when you are in a strong emotional state. Do not blame yourself either. But do take responsibility for your own emotions before confronting others. Always let the emotions calm down again to avoid taking actions that are impulsive or inappropriate.

Make sure you are keeping your emotional body in balance by releasing any suppressed and hidden emotions. Go deep into your subconscious to uncover any traumas from your childhood, past lives, and ancestral lineage. As you do this work, it may be painful, but do not let that stop you. The reward is worth the effort. Once you clear these emotional wounds from your body, you become calmer and clearer in your emotional well being. Things that used to bother you no longer affect you. You are no longer triggered by others as the old wounds are healed. The words and actions of others hold no lasting effect as you no longer take things personally. As you become stronger and clearer in your emotional body, you are able to navigate situations from a very calm perspective.


Our connection to the Divine is what makes up our spiritual body. This is where we hold faith in life and trust in God. All of the divine inspiration that we receive is held in our spiritual body. Here we tap into our dreams and our creative visions. Our spiritual body keeps us in alignment with the gifts we came here with and helps us to see clearly our life’s purpose. Knowing that our life has purpose and is not meaningless is a sign that we are conscious of our spiritual body.

The more in tune we are with our spiritual body, the more magical and wondrous life becomes. Having faith and trust in God helps us to surrender what we cannot control. When we trust that we are fully supported, we are able to receive the help that is always available to us from the other side. We are meant to succeed in life and enjoy our time on Earth. Each one of us came here with a divine purpose and unique mission in life. Often this mission has to do with the gifts that bring us the most joy along with our desire to help others.

Our spiritual body helps us to remember this Oneness and to connect with the Universal field of All That Is. We have access to wisdom that exists far beyond the physical realm, and our spiritual body keeps us connected to the many ethereal realms that exist beyond what we can see. When we focus on love, beauty and inspiration we are in our spiritual body.
It is here, in our spiritual body, that we remember the truth of our existence. It is here that we connect with the Divine.

*There are other bodies that exist such as causal body, ethereal body, and astral body. These are fourth dimensional bodies that can be considered part of the Spiritual Body.
